Litigation PR & Crisis Management
It is now easier than ever for information and disinformation to be disseminated, and it happens very quickly. If the opportunity to influence the narrative is lost, it may never be regained. However good our advocacy skills are, this form of communication is highly sophisticated and requires the experience and judgment of specialists. The firms in this section are equipped to advise on the extensive range of communications issues that may arise during the course of a dispute, from taking a visible, hand-on role, to behind-the-curtain, focussed input.
For listing enquiries, please contact:
Meysan Partners
John Reynolds - jreynolds@meysan.comGold Sponsors
Our Chambers ranked team is instructed in high-profile cases to support the legal strategy, or to provide alternative solutions that help achieve overall objectives through communications.
For more information please contact:
Byfield Consultancy provides services in
We work with clients to support and enhance their litigation strategy, protect reputation, and manage stakeholder relationships throughout the lifecycle of a legal dispute.
For more information please contact:
All Litigation Directory Categories
- Arbitrators (Individuals)
- Asset Tracing & Corporate Intelligence
- ATE Insurance
- Case Presentation & Court Transcription
- Costs Lawyers
- Cyber Investigations & IT Forensics
- Damages & Valuation Experts
- eDiscovery
- Experts in Financial Services & Expert Economists
- Forensic Accounting
- Lawyers in Cyprus
- Legal Recruiters
- Litigation Funding
- Litigation PR & Crisis Management
- Restructuring & Insolvency Specialists
- Translation Services